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20 Sep 2016 8:35 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Ted.  I've never seen anyone back peddle so fast on a promise. Leave made it clear we would save 350 Millions each week. 

If the money being saved by exiting from the EU was an Olympic event, Brexit would be banned for using steroids with the speed of that back pedal.  

It was not an estimate. It was not a guess.  It was a promise written on the side of your leaders' battle bus. It was in several printed leaflets. It was preached by your leaders at hustings throughout the nation.  People voted on the basis of that savings.  Where is it?

if leave cannot show me the money and it was all a lie then they have not honoured their commitment to the Referendum and it must be declared null and void.  That is how democracy works.  

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20 Sep 2016 9:20 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

we would save 350 Millions each week. 

As far as I am aware we haven't left yet, so my guess is we still have to pay this money while being in the club, once we leave for good then thats another matter.

if leave cannot show me the money and it was all a lie then they have not honoured their commitment to the Referendum and it must be declared null and void.  That is how democracy works.  

I wouldn't be to quick on condemning the leavers with the above statement as those words could also apply to them who told us what would happen if we did leave,

All very well for all the remainers to keep harping on about why isn't anything happening as was told if we left, it's early days yet, not even 3 months, did you remainers honestly think that once it was said we are going to leave then the very next morning everything went back to how it was all those years ago.

Because thats what you all sound like.

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20 Sep 2016 9:53 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar


Why on earth would you quit a club and keep paying the dues?  That is just crazy.  Why aren't the payments being withheld at least.  The Referendum was clear we Brexit with all the good and bad that entails.  The good point the Leavers sung in chorus is that we save £350 million per week.  Simple me the money.  Arguments made by Remain are unimportant as they lost which means voters did not vote for those arguments.  But remain or leave we are all entitled to the benefits promised by the winning side.   If you are saying that all of Leave's promises are lies does that mean that they are not telling the truth about leaving?  To me I would only say I am quiting and keep paying the dues if I hoped I would not actually leave.  Please be clear.  Does Brexit mean Brexit or does it mean maybe.

If it means "maybe" lets work together.  If it means "Brexit" lets work together but first show me the money so I know it is for real and not just a load of lies.  Show me the money...

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20 Sep 2016 10:23 AM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Perrypower did you not witness all the rightful challenges to the GROSS figure that you and others ironically appear to have kept reinforcing during the campaign LIVE debates?

The irony is that just as now you continue to reinforce "facts" that were rightfully continually reclarified during the campaign, leaving voters in little doubt as to the net figures,  does not make them sufficiently factual to comprehend them as anything other than GROSS.

By this I am not condoning the use of gross as opposed to net by any means, indeed there were all too many who for all manner of reasons were concluding it was better to leave than remain who were equally concerned by this use of GROSS figure ( just as they were appalled by Farage's poster).... but to imply that by the end of the campaign that this was still left undisputed is in itself a false "reinforcement" which is equally as bad as the use of GROSS in itself.

I can't tell you the number of times during the campaign that the remain campaigners refused to acknowledge this and ironically kept reinforcing this, in complete denial of the the reclarification. 

It's a sad indictment of a campaign that brought out the very worst of manipulative and tactical ploys to confuse the electorate but at the end of the day I play tribute to those investigative interviewers who tried their level best to work through the spin and misinformation to present as clearly as they could the realities, which to many were and still are for that matter, both educational but uncomfortable to recognise.

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20 Sep 2016 10:24 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Brexit or leave means exactly that, we will leave, when all the conditions have been sorted out and made to our agreements. That you know.

Who can show you the money? because as I said we haven't left yet, and it's still to early to have any rock solid arrangements in place, I say again, honestly what did you really think would happen, leave one day and then it's hey ho back to how it used to be the next day, you can keep on about 'Show me the money' till the cows come home, it ain't gonna happen until the powers to be have sorted it all out.

And as a side issue how do you know the money hasn't stopped, would we be told? Would you be told?

As for lies thats best left to the ones who wanted to stay in, but the one's who wanted to stay in were told no lies.....According to them.

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20 Sep 2016 10:32 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Ads.  Leave kept on about the £350million per week number from start to finish and people believed it and voted on that basis.  When challenged over gross or net Leave said, do you talk about your salary as gross or net.  Seems you have forgotten that Leave argued that their number was right.  Show me the money ads.  

Baz.  What conditions.  There are none.  Trigger A50 and the process begins.  Surely you can just walk away and stop paying.  We are leaving the EU.  Or are you trying to renegotiate a new form of EU membership.  Is Brexit Brexit or is it EU-Lite. 

Show me the money guys.  

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20 Sep 2016 10:35 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

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IF we were simply to withold our contribution to a club we are still a member of, we would most certainly bring about the collapse of the EU even quicker than will happen anyway.


Many of the newer EU countries are dependent on the contributions of the UK and Germany, as most other countries don't contribute to the EU budget.

I don't think Germany would appreciate immediately having to increase their contribution and I think it only fair that the EU has time to rearrange all of the funding that Rey so generously give out to all club members.

The rules state that any country cannot leave until article 50 and then up to 2 years of negotiations take place, these rules were set up by the EU not the UK.

The country has spoken, we no longer wish to be part of this corrupt club, it is now up to all sides to spend time to consider the most sensible and painless way to divorce.


There never was a magic solution.

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20 Sep 2016 10:43 AM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Hugh. Not our problem if EU has not got enough money.  Trigger A50 and stop paying.  Show me the money or accept that Leave is wrong and should not happen at all. Because that is what it sounds like you want.  If you can't take the shot go back to the bench because we are not going to be winners by passing the ball back and forth in our own end zone. 

Show me the money.  

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20 Sep 2016 11:37 AM by ads Star rating. 4136 posts Send private message

Sorry Perrypower, we will have to agree to disagree on this.

Leave argued that the GROSS figure was right and that this was why they did the comparison to salary!

I repeat, the challenges were RIGHTLY made to divulge net figures and all the debates that followed rightly gained clarification on this. The only ones reinforcing this figure as being interpreted as net by the end of the campaign were the remain camp.

Suffice to say the lessons learned from this is how important it is to cast aside preconceptions and strive for factual information, but also to ensure we pressure our leaders to retain a willingness to do likewise, to strive for workable solutions, and never remain too proud to review and reform policy where required


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20 Sep 2016 12:20 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Show me the money.  Take the shot or go back to the bench or call the whole thing null and void because you don't know what to do. N


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20 Sep 2016 12:45 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Baz.  What conditions.  There are none.  Trigger A50 and the process begins.  Surely you can just walk away and stop paying.  We are leaving the EU.  Or are you trying to renegotiate a new form of EU membership.  Is Brexit Brexit or is it EU-Lite. 

Well, perrypower1 I enjoy a good wind up with the rest, but to have to ask  'What Conditions there are None'    proves your a wind up merchant..Well done.....Now show me the money.


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20 Sep 2016 1:03 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

There are no conditions.  Trigger A50 and after two years you are out whether you make agreements or not. Or are you saying if you trigger A50 and don't reach agreement you are never out?

face it Leave is chocking and losing both credibility and traction.  


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20 Sep 2016 1:04 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Oh and by the way



show me the money


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20 Sep 2016 1:59 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

'show me the money'

OK then


But never





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20 Sep 2016 2:01 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

No Perry 

You will have to wait like everyone else 



Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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20 Sep 2016 4:04 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Destry ive up  voted you for that response. Well done. I'll settle for pounds now...

Hugh, you need to be very worried as the only person who can trigger A50 is T.May.  She is not a Leaver and it appears she is hoping for a sea change in the EU where she never triggers could be waiting a very very long time. 


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20 Sep 2016 4:46 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

What's all this talk of 'trigger' about? He and Dave would have had it all sorted out by now.



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20 Sep 2016 10:45 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message



I have no leader.

I like many other decided that I did not believe it was in Britain's interest to be in the EU. I made this decision in 1993 and waited for 23 long years to be able to say so.

You may want your money, but you were promised no money. What you were promised was a cut in your pension (if you are a state pensioner) an emergency tax raising budget and a collapsed UK economy. You are a very lucky boy, you did not get any of them.

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20 Sep 2016 11:02 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

If the money being saved by exiting from the EU was an Olympic event

It would be won by the person who's doctor was prepared to say that steroid injections were a necessary treatment so he/she could apply for a TUE

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20 Sep 2016 11:13 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Ted.  You know full well who your leaders are.  Boris, Gov, Priti, Nigel and that lady with the foreign accent that holds your leash.  

Leave are the winners.  They promised the country £350million per week.  I am entitled to that money as are the rest of the people in the UK.  Can't deliver you say.  I'm not surprised.  All talk mate.  If leave can't walk the walk Leave should go back to the fringes with tail between legs like good little puppies. 

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