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24 Dec 2016 1:33 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Apparently the UK tax payers paid 670 million to EU countries per year for treatment received by U K subjects, and at best have only been able to claim back 50 million from EU countries for treatment given by the NHS to none UK nationals ,the UK government said that the EU governments Do not like to pay their bills and put Red tape and political hurdles in place to avoid payment's.

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24 Dec 2016 1:35 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Article from November 2016 re NHS


The aspect that appears controversial is showing a form of ID when receiving treatment ( but excluding GPs??).

Why on earth would it be deemed controversial if we are referring to any non emergency treatment?  GPs have details of patients on their books, so what is difficult about asking for ID from those not on their books? 

Likewise what is controversial about asking for IDs from those not referred for hospital treatment by GPs?

This aspect of being controversial doesn't make any sense.... Unless we are talking about people who have been living here without any passport I.e. illegal immigrants, in which case shouldn't they be reported to the Home Office for deportation?

The word would soon spread in terms of tightening up, and as for those requiring emergency treatment, admin procedures to cross reference back to GP surgeries books would identify those requiring recovery of monies post treatment and from those European member states with reciprocal arrangements.

The question then remains are GP surgery books not linked via IT systems to hospitals, and if not why not?

Or have the Govt in their infinite wisdom (?) decided such an exercise is not cost effective in terms of saving NHS resources?

Does anyone have firsthand knowledge if IT links ( a patients protected database) are currently in place between hospitals and GP surgeries? 


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24 Dec 2016 1:44 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

The NHS is so swamped that I very much doubt that they send out all of the payment requests, IMHO this should be factored out to the private sector. 


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24 Dec 2016 1:55 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

The shit will soon hit the fan ,when the UK leave's the so called Union no UK DSS /NHS for the rest of the EU to suck dry ,my goodness how are the poor so called Europeans going to cope .

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24 Dec 2016 2:28 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

It would appear that many forum posters agree the free for all (EU and non EU) no questions asked NHS is a shambles. How governments now and previous have allowed and continue to allow this shambles seems a mystery to me, in any other industry you would be sacked for neglect.

Anyone know?.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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24 Dec 2016 3:09 PM by Destry Star rating in MYOB . 289 posts Send private message

Of course someone knows, this forum is fortunate to have certain members who know everything about everything. 😉


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24 Dec 2016 3:31 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Well that's not me you are talking about that's for sure as in the passed ,I have been accused of not knowing nothing and being illiterate buy some posters that refuse to accept the truth.may  I sujest these know alls read my last 6 posts and prove me wrong.Merry Xmass to all including the Bullies on this forum.

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24 Dec 2016 3:34 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


.........., the NHS was created to cope with UK citizens and has coped for 50 years with low levels of immigration.

Not true the NHS was cretaed to supply health care for UK RESIDENTS.

You may also want to look at his website and play with this data

The UK has never chosen or not been able to do this as it has put the priority of healthcare first, no ID needed to register with a GP, but you can be sure this will change after Brexit.

How are you sure? What facts  do you have to make  this claim? Is it just a wish?

Another link showing how the NHS is reliant on EU and non EU staff


Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to All

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24 Dec 2016 4:20 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Everyone in Europe including the UK pays something for medical care. There is no such thing as a free lunch and if the British allow people to have one that's entirely their own fault.. In Europe the population are usually issued with heathcards which prove your entitlement and you cannot get one without paying into the system.

Is that so difficult for the British? In France the Cart Vital is a smart card with a chip that contains all your medical history.

The UK pays more to European healthcare systems than they receive because so many pensioners who have paid into the system all their lives retire abroad. Immigration works both ways or at least it did before Brexit.

I never hear any moans of complaint from either French or Spanish medics when their surgeries are full of expats.

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24 Dec 2016 4:38 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Micky  I never hear any moans of complaint from either French or Spanish medics when their surgeries are full of expats

I don't know about the French but a couple of year’s ago there was quite a lot in the Spanish press complaining about Brits who came to Spain for medical treatment.    The headlines complained about ‘medical tourism.’ 

 That was caused mainly by the fact, as I said, that money sent to Spain by UK to pay for those who had treatment on their EHIC card was not being sent  by ‘Madrid’ to the regions where the treatment had been given.  Thus the Costas, as the main tourist areas, were left out of pocket. 

At that time I know the Costa del Sol hospital was asking people who had private health insurance to pay for their treatment instead of using their EHIC card,  so that the hospital would actually get the payment directly.



This message was last edited by johnzx on 24/12/2016.

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24 Dec 2016 4:52 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

johnzx - I agree lots of comments in the media

The region of Valencia also complained and stopped giving free treament to expats and clamped down bigtime

Many tales of SIP cards (temp and full) were no longer accpeted and / or being double checked for entitlement. Many ligitimate SIP cards were cancelled and had to be renewed when entitlemnt was proven (working, S1 etc)

On one instance we had some friends visting and one had a small accident (nothing serious) so we went to A&E in Torrevieja. The first question asked was did they have insurance and when an EHIC card and passport were produced treatment was given no futher questions


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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24 Dec 2016 5:15 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Personally i believe The Brexit is the best thing that has happened for a long time ,it is proof that the EU is not working as  intended to ,and needs to be changed to accommodate modern day society ,this myth that freedom of movement is working and benefits the country that the economic migrants choose to live in is a fallacy country on earth can take 300,000 migrants in per year in without having the meens and the infrastructure to support the uncontrollable influx ,it could work if these migrants brought with them supplied by their own country a means of support so they are not a burden on the host country, these economic EU migrants must have a social security system from their country of origin .and when in need should draw of their country of origin DSS/NHS budget for care and social security ,only then would freedom of movement work....,but it is to late for all this the UK has voted by a majority to leave the EU  this will not be the end of this problem just the beginning ,when the UK shuts its borders these economic migrants will head for the next best country only to overload that countries infrastructure and resources ,and then you will see Brexit 2.what a shame its was a very good idea at the start but has failed modern society in it's present form so their for the majority will voted with their feet.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 24/12/2016.

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24 Dec 2016 5:40 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


We are gong round in circles 

Freefom of movement us good for all economically and choice

What the eu needs is a common welfare benefit ans nhs system funded centrally giving all eu citizens equality and the same choices

The uk system is shambolic in comparison to other eu states showing how WRONG the uk is

As for infrastructure carefully planning and investment would help so meting the uk had cut cut cut and cut in favour of those who have

There is space   there are jobs and opportunities and with or without immigration growth needs investment in the infrastructure which is sadly lacking

If people work and pay taxes they should expect a solid infrastructure

As said before how would the infrastructure  of London or leeds cope if 1 million people from other parts of the uk moved there over 3 years

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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24 Dec 2016 6:31 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Windtaker:   these economic EU migrants must have a social security system from their country of origin .and when in need should draw of their country of origin DSS/NHS budget for care and social security ,only then would freedom of movement work....,

People  including those from UK,  taking up  a work contract in Spain pay into the social security system and as such  I believe immediately are eligible for free medical cover. 

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24 Dec 2016 7:25 PM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

Elsietanner´s avatar

UK NHS health care free for all (EU and non EU) no questions asked. Anyone know why?.

BREXIT EOS 4619 posts and no one seems to have clue, not even the know all’s.


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24 Dec 2016 7:35 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Elsie UK NHS health care free for all (EU and non EU) no questions asked.

Really, I thought it was free to all those LIVING in UK.  If what you say was true,  then UK would not be billing  the health services of other countries when EHIC card is use.

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24 Dec 2016 7:47 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Johnzx you are missing the point,I agree that if you pay in to the UK system you will get free N HS and social security if you come out of work for the rest of your life even if you have only paid contributions for a couple of months ,when talking to friends of ours in Spain the Spanish system will only cover you with social security payments to a maximum of 6 months ,I am not to sure what you are supposed live on after that.

This scenario is common hear in the UK the EU economic migrant comes over to the UK on his own and has left the wife a 3 children back in his  country of origin he takes a Job at minimum wage £7.20 per hour works a 40 hour week after paying tax and NI contributions he will take home around £200 per week he will then make a counter claim for child support and a host of other in work benefits and have that money made up by the government to around £410 per week this money is ment to be spent in the UK ,instead the migrants that know how to play the system send this money back to their country of origin and this money is spent in the home country and not in the UK this is something that the UK government tried to keep quiet from the British public but was forced to admit that this was happening in a large scale mainly from EU eastern block countries. You can thank Nigel Farrage and the likes for keeping the British Tax payer informed on what is happening to their Tax deduction's.Some people would sad say stop the benefits ,but they are missing the point these in work benefits are in place to help the low paid low skilled workers out so they can have a reasonable living standard in the UK it was never Kent to be spent in another EU country the British government tried to change this pre Brexit but the EU stopped them on the grounds that they must offer and treat EU migrants the same  as UK citizen  .


This message was last edited by windtalker on 24/12/2016.

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24 Dec 2016 8:03 PM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

Elsietanner´s avatar

Come on johnzx you are far more intelligent than to make that naive statement.

Any Tom, Dick or Harry, resident, tourist, illegal or from planet Mars gets free NHS healthcare, no questions, no passport, no EHIC, no nothing. Re health tourist excursions from Africa.

No one seems to know why.


This message was last edited by Elsietanner on 24/12/2016.


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25 Dec 2016 10:03 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Elsie Any Tom, Dick or Harry, resident, tourist, illegal or from planet Mars gets free NHS healthcare, no questions, no passport, no EHIC, no nothing. Re health tourist excursions from Africa.

Sorry but from the info here:

Elsie.  Sorry but from the info here

 It would appear you may be  wrong.

Of course if the people who deal with the person presenting themselves for treatment fails to follow the rules set out in the system, it is that person who is at fault, not the system.


Elsie  No one seems to know why.

Not so:

There are exception from the rules regarding the requirement to pay and those are explained   (follow the links from the above web page).  

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25 Dec 2016 10:03 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Elsie Any Tom, Dick or Harry, resident, tourist, illegal or from planet Mars gets free NHS healthcare, no questions, no passport, no EHIC, no nothing. Re health tourist excursions from Africa.

Sorry but from the info here:

Elsie.  Sorry but from the info here

 It would appear you may be  wrong.

Of course if the people who deal with the person presenting themselves for treatment fails to follow the rules set out in the system, it is that person who is at fault, not the system.


Elsie  No one seems to know why.

Not so:

There are exception from the rules regarding the requirement to pay and those are explained   (follow the links from the above web page).  

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