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27 Apr 2016 9:41 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

People like Mickyfinn (billy no mates down the pub )actually make people do the opposite with there constant non stop Im always right point of view ,a bit like an overbearing parent you must do this you must do that and the kids turn out s--t


Love Hugh xx

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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28 Apr 2016 8:03 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

If you can't defeat the message then shooting the messenger is the only alternative.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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28 Apr 2016 8:22 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


I agree far too many people turn to name calling, sarcastic comments and childish keyboard antics when they can't reasonably debate or respond intelligently, etc. As a few posts on here have shown this very clearly

is it time for mods to step in again?

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Apr 2016 8:43 AM by eos_moderators Star rating in España. 173 posts Send private message

eos_moderators´s avatar

Please keep this under control and try not to get carried away. This is meant to be a civil debate so please keep it that way before this gets out of hand again.  We would rather not have to step in and lock the thread again.


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28 Apr 2016 9:58 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Moving on, there was an interesting question asked in the House of Commons yesterday. A member (labour) asked the Prime Minister if he could confirm if UK residents might lose the EHIC after Brexit. That is the card which gives British people abroad free emergency medical treatment under EU treaty rules.

Cameron said it was a good question which should be asked to the leave campaign. OK he copped out answering it but it is a valid question perhaps everyone should ask the outers.

Potentially no more holidays abroad without private insurance for medical cover after Brexit. 

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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28 Apr 2016 10:32 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

A group of eight influential economists have thrown their support behind the Leave campaign in the UK's referendum on EU membership.

The group, Economists for Brexit, argue that leaving the EU would boost the UK economy by 4% in 10 years.

Brexit would put the UK outside the EU's customs union, which puts tariffs on imported goods.

The report claims that by being free of those constraints, prices in the UK would fall by 8%.

The group proposes a World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement with the EU, similar to that enjoyed by the US and China.


Dont you think that Cameron has copped out on many things he has told us he will do, he should have known the answer to that question, after all he hasn't been to shy on scaremongering of late, another one wouldn't have done him no harm,  he should have answered it, he couldn't because he probablys knows it wont happen, even if the UK left, I don't know either.

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28 Apr 2016 11:05 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Fair comment baz; Cameron is a politician and politicians are trained not to answer with a negative. The truth is it will have to be negotiated with all EU partners if the vote is to leave. Along with a zillion other things.

However Brexit campaigners should at least recognise the risk exists and have a public policy on the issue..


This message was last edited by Mickyfinn on 28/04/2016.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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28 Apr 2016 11:41 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Apparently the House of lords are in discussion whether the expats that have turned their back on the UK should get a vote on the in out referendum ,as the out campaign camp is saying that the EU ins have a unfair advantage because all the expats will obviously selfishly think of themselves and vote in without looking at the real reason behind the vote.

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28 Apr 2016 11:58 AM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message


You are still trying to force feed us with negative rumours and not sticking to the truth.

"The EHIC can only be used in public hospitals. It entitles the cardholder to any medically necessary treatment that cannot wait until they return home. For more information, visit" Do you thiink that the Spanish governmet will turn down the money that they recieve from the UK tax payer and force visitors to use private clinics?

The EHIC card does not entitle a person to the same rights to heathcare as in the UK, it is a country by country agreement which varies, along with state healthcare entitlements for nationals.

Whilst the system in Spain is pretty good (we have used it several times) anybody who solely relies on it when travelling is making a bad decision, the key thing is that it does not cover repatriation, flight cancellation and accomodation costs, etc so it is a wise move to have full travel insurance in any case.

What leaving the EU will do for us UK tax payers (are you one?) is relieve us of the costs and disruption caused by the overloading of the NHS due to rules that prevent denial of service to those who come from the EU. But this does need a politicall will in the UK that the previous Labour givernment were fully aware of and nothing has been done to correct this by the Coallition or Conservative govenments.

Before you respond, have you ever witnessesd first hand the problems within the NHS?



This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 28/04/2016.

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28 Apr 2016 12:15 PM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message


Having seen the TV news and read the Mail on Line report, expats who moved abroad within the last 15 years may vote in the Referendum, the ruling was agains a case to change the rule to allow all expats to vote.

So this thread will continue. Hopefully the readers will consider the situation and future of those living in the UK, such as their grandchildren, and put their interestss before thir own situation which is subject to scaremongering on this thread.

And another issue, the boss TATA UK  Steel, Bilmendra JHA was giving evidence today to a House of Commons Business Comittee that if the electricity price in the UK was that of Germany then 'we would not be having negative numbers', and 'be better off by £40 million pounds'. And the reason for high energy costs - EU Regulations, why are the costs in Germay half that of the UK?  

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28 Apr 2016 12:30 PM by sox Star rating. 81 posts Send private message

That seems to be the main problem with the EU, all countries are not on a level playing field, I don't think they ever will be with the amount of money that for example Germany has compared to Greece!! 

Cameron went to do a 'deal' but got nothing, other countries stuck two fingers up at a lot of EU regulations and get away with it, as we have seen here in Spain , consecutive governments in the uk have been to scared to stand up to EU regulations, and of course all the bigwigs in the EU want a Britain in vote simply and purely for our £££££ !!

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28 Apr 2016 12:42 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


What EU regulations make UK electricty prices higher than elsewhere?

The EHIC card will not be lost upon an EU exit this is a reciprocal agreement between Spain and Uk and was previously know as E111 - the EHIC was intorduced to standardise  ONLY and did not affect any agreements between individual nations similar to the S1 previoulsy E121, E109, E106

Nobody has confirmed that an exit will force a renegotiation of ANY agreements between nations  either EU, EEA or none EU - this is a major issue that the exiters cannot or fail to answer

The NHS treating others can easily be altered by doing the same as other EU states - this is NOT a fault of the EU but a fault of the UK govt and NHS - a simple change in NHS policy would suffice and NOT breach any EU directives or reciprocal health care agreements between any EU states or other countries the UK a has reciprocal agreements with

You are correct travel insurance is advised but many with pre existing conditions simply cannot afford the premiums and they are willing to take teh risk esepcially if teh have aholdiay home

This is one reason I would like to see an EU wide health care system giving every EU citizen free health care at the same standard across the EU and funded and managed centrally

Repatriatioon is an isseu but again thsi can be overcome - if you get hurt or take ill in Cornwall and live in Glasgow I beleive the NHS will transfer you when suitable / fit for travel (I think Spain is the same Madrid to Alicante) so why can't it be done across the EU with a central fund????


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Apr 2016 12:54 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Ask yourself why you left the UK .this is why so many  people in the UK want out ( think about it.)


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28 Apr 2016 1:09 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

windltalker many left UK with a nice pension  and are doing alright, some left to live the dream and have failed due to alck of work, ecomy crash etc, then you get the tax chetas who work cash in hand which is very easy in places like Spain because nobody really cares thenthey go running back to Uk to get benfist and helath care etc which they gte even though they have not paid into the system in the UK


how many want to come to the UK and why

1. Jobs

2. Overgenerous welfare system

3. Overgenerous health care


1. Get lazy UK benefit scourngers back to work programme and fill the jobs

2. Re vamp welfare benefit system and stop giving free handouts to the lazy benefit scrounging brits then nobody else can have them - SIMPLE REALLY.

3. Re vamp NHS and put in place a process similar to that in Spain - SIMPLE REALLY

AND promote a EU wide welfare and healh care sytems so we ALL get the same when we need it


Leaving the EU will NOT fix the UK's problems of an overgenrous welfare and health care - the costs for lazt Brit scroungers far outweigh any costs incurred for EU citizens

This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 28/04/2016.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Apr 2016 1:26 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

I'm am not force feeding anyone. I am writing about what I think and believe. Last time I read about democracy free speech was still an integral part of it. If anyone has a problem with that please simply ignore my posts. I'm not going to be intimidated.

Before you respond, have you ever witnessesd first hand the problems within the NHS? 

Actually NHS problems have always existed from it's outset in 1945. Blaming the current ones on the EU is a bit far fetched. Instead blame the current and past governments for lack of required investment and poor management. I used the NHS for 40 years and found it was patchy at best. It has no comparision with the French State system which is one of the best in the world.

I use an EHIC when I travel to Spain for emergency treatment and never had problems. It's issued by the UK although I'm registered for healthcare in France. All this under current EU agreements which will need to be renegotiated after Brexit.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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28 Apr 2016 1:43 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

Micky you havent even got a vote so thats a bit like the EU telling all us Brits what to do as now.

Im out and staying out this is a unique chance and I am not giving that up I have a vote and its out, the EU is a massive failure the last 10 people I asked 8 were for leaving so its a done deal.

You started this thread with the Scarmongery of the almighty Goldman Sachs so have the deceny to wind it up Man

Love Hugh xx

Ps As Jerry Mcguire said SHOW ME THE MONEY mr EU




This message was last edited by hughjardon on 28/04/2016.

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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28 Apr 2016 2:23 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


All this under current EU agreements which will need to be renegotiated after Brexit.

Why and where do you get this from?

I keep saying these agreements are between UK & Spain (and other countries) and the only thing if anything the EU adds is standardisation for forms for users and a membership of the EU requirement.

Nothing says agreements between individula states will be cancelled or renegotiated if any member leaves - they guess they could if individual states choose to but I doubt it very much and seen nothing  that supports a cancellation or renegotiation of any agreements


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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28 Apr 2016 4:59 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

From the Daily Telegraph.

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles UK citizens to free or reduced-cost treatment in other EU countries. It doesn’t have the same benefits as travel insurance, but if you have one, many travel insurance policies will waive the excess payment on a claim. In the event of a Brexit, such agreements would have to be renegotiated and there is no guarantee of the same result.

It's a shame Cameron did not answer the question but since he probably has no idea of the end result it was safer to deflect it.

If EU immigration is such a terrible thing in the UK and it's mucking up the NHS then the government presumably will act to prevent it after Brexit. After all it's what a majority if they vote 'leave' actually want.

So if that is accepted the remaining EU countries will act in a reciprocal way. They will withdraw access and concessionsl in their countries for Brits in exactly the same way.

Of course if the UK don't plan to do anything whats the point of voting to leave?

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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28 Apr 2016 5:15 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

European Health Insurance Card


As the cost of all treatment / attention given under that service is billed back to the country where the card was issued, it should have no bearing on what might happen if UK left.

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28 Apr 2016 5:30 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

This is a fundamental problem becuase NOBODY really knows what will happen if UK leaves the EU

Currently an exit vote is a big step into the unknown with huge risks for everyone

As stay vote has some unknowns with a lot less risk and the continued  ability to influence the way forward together for the EU

too many unanswered questions from visas for travel to trade agreements


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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