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06 Apr 2016 10:23 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

????? Britin

It says the S1 form. They are only available for pensioners resident overseas. You become a permanent resident only after being resident for more than 5 years and if you apply for that status so this is splitting hairs.

Anyway, just realised this is the Brixit (sic) thread not the healthcare one. I promised not to post on this as it gets too personal and both inners and outers get a red mist coming down and start making things up. 



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06 Apr 2016 10:45 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

And going on from that it's reckoned the over 60's will vote overwhelmingly to leave!

The voices of experience.

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06 Apr 2016 11:10 PM by Britin Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

At the risk of being pompous myself ........

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06 Apr 2016 11:11 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

And going on from that it's reckoned the over 60's will vote overwhelmingly to leave!

But most will be dead in 20 years and it will take 10 years to get out if that's the vote - they have to think seriously about the legacy they leave.





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06 Apr 2016 11:11 PM by Britin Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

At the risk of being pompous myself ........

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06 Apr 2016 11:18 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

The whole referendum is a joke!

Should of been a better considered and constructive question and a requirement for a minimum percentage turnout to effect change




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06 Apr 2016 11:44 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

It should also have allowed a truly independent source to research the facts! frown

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06 Apr 2016 11:45 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

The question was made by the electoral commission. They changed the original one from "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union" which would have required a yes or no answer. They decided the great British public were too stupid to understand this and changed the question to "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?" This now requires you to tick a box of "remain a member of the European Union" or "leave the European Union". Probably cost about 10,000 man hours and a couple of squillion quid to change that.

When a certain percentage of voter turnout or a certain percentage of vote to leave was mooted, it was decided this would give too much of an advantage to the Remain side so it was kept at just one vote could swing it either way.

Considering the entire debate is being conducted on great exagerration of the facts (it costs 55 million quids a day, we can go back to pints and gallons, we can buy bendy bananas if we want, we can go back to democracy and get our empire back if we leave OR we'll lose 3 million jobs, we'll need visas to go on holiday to Spain, cheap flights will be a thing of the past, nobody will trade with us if we leave and so on) then, I agree, a total waste.

However, the only reason this government got in was because they promised a referendum and staved off the Ukip threat (that and Miliband was such an idiot) so it has to be done.

Cameron's deal on no further integration, no acceptance of Schengen, no signing up to the Euro, no bailing out of countries if the euro falters, the right to vote out directives from the Commissioners and other things is a good deal for the UK and will only apply if we vote to remain.

And if we do vote to leave? Well, it might cause a few tears at bedtime.

Bloomberg Institute - Breaking up is Hard to Do


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06 Apr 2016 11:52 PM by Britin Star rating. 23 posts Send private message

Absolutely agree Team GB - you probably know that Australia has a clause in its voting system that fines (I believe $500) if an eligible voter does not vote and, I think, if a voter spoils their voting card (do not know how they would control that though).

I also think that, if it is true that the over 60´s UK voter will turn out in very large numbers and overwhelmingly vote for ´out´, then this should also be regulated by ensuring the younger voters also turn out en mass (by fining?)

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07 Apr 2016 1:04 AM by MikeandHelen Star rating. 193 posts Send private message


You do not achieve anything with your smart comments.

You make the statement that if the UK leaves then British citizens resident in Spain will be subject to double taxation, by Spain and by the UK which is simply nonsense, the usual scaremongering. Whilst it may be an 'EU' rule against double taxation, only a Corbybista government would change UK tax rules in order to tax people living abroad.

There are really serious issues in the UK around migration, housing and employment. Did you see today's Evening Standard report on the housing crisis in London? Whilst expats may wish to preserve their interests, this vote is about the UK.


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07 Apr 2016 10:22 AM by scollins Star rating in London. 52 posts Send private message

Isn't the concern not so much what a Corbynista government might do in the absence of any taxation treaty  but what a Podemosista government in Spain might do?



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07 Apr 2016 11:02 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Got the first piece of printed information delivered yesterday concerning "Out or In" where ever it came from must read this forum as almost word for word it says what has been spoken about on here.

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07 Apr 2016 11:12 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

They ought to think seriously about the legacy they leave




With Britains proud history moving towards accountability and democracy do they want to be the ones to reverse the trend and leave with us tied to and undemocratic and corrupt monolith?

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07 Apr 2016 11:21 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

In 1975 taxpayers money (as well as EU, labour, liberal and Conservative money) was used to persuade us to vote yes.

The result of this is that it has always been possible to argue that the process was undemocratic and flawed.

With the result of the referendum in Holland yesterday PM has been spooked, and he is now going to use taxpayers money to issue an 'in' pamphlet to every house in the land before official campaigning gets underway.

With one stoke he is ensuring that this referendum will be declared flawed if he achieves an in vote.

I invite all for or against complain to their MP's (if they have one) about this misuse of our money.



This message was last edited by tteedd on 07/04/2016.

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07 Apr 2016 11:31 AM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

With one stoke he is ensuring that this referendum will be declared flawed if he achieves an in vote.

This referendum is a government campaign not a party political fight. The government is entitled therefore to publicise it's view point by trying to reach the general public with the issues it believes are right.

I'm sure the Whitehall mandarins have run it passed the lawyers first for legal implications. The 'outs' are getting rattled because they have insufficent funds to compete and their camp is divided..

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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07 Apr 2016 11:33 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Is there a threshold to meet in terms of turmout for the referendum it to be valid? If not there should be.

In the Dutch vote yesterday there was a 32.2% turnout, the threshold for it to be valid was 30%




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07 Apr 2016 11:33 AM by scollins Star rating in London. 52 posts Send private message

tteedd - the Government is not impartial on this. The democratically elected government's position is that the UK should remain. It is perfectly legitimate for the Government to do this. You go on about Britain's proud tradition of accountability and democracy, in sharp contrast to Euroland  which is everything our sceptred Isle is against  and then complain when  the fruit of that accountability and democracy, ie the UK Govt acts in execution of a  determined policy of the UK Govt which you happen not to like.


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07 Apr 2016 11:34 AM by scollins Star rating in London. 52 posts Send private message

tteedd - the Government is not impartial on this. The democratically elected government's position is that the UK should remain. It is perfectly legitimate for the Government to do this. You go on about Britain's proud tradition of accountability and democracy, in sharp contrast to Euroland  which is everything our sceptred Isle is against  and then complain when  the fruit of that accountability and democracy, ie the UK Govt acts in execution of a  determined policy of the UK Govt which you happen not to like.


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07 Apr 2016 11:36 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

 The 'outs' are getting rattled because they have insufficent funds to compete and their camp is divided..

I thought the "Outs" were rattled because the agreed amount was a set figure of £7 million to prove the  point. 

Seems that Cameron has decided to use tax payers money to the tune of over £9 million to prove his "In"  case

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07 Apr 2016 12:16 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

There are two campaigns. The vote to leave and the vote to stay. Then there is the government that happens to support the 'stays'. 

Any publicity that counts the biased media is welcome in my view. The Mail and the Telegraph are bordering is hysterics with their anti-Cameron, anti EU rhetoric. They seem to be trying to get Bo-Jo elected PM. God help the UK.

The most balanced opinions are found in the Independent.

As a footnote. The Dutch regected a referendum vote yesterday that supported closer ties with Ukraine. It's being seen as an anti Brussels snub to the EU.

This is the age of rejection by electorates of any political grouping seen as large, remote and bossy. I fear for the future of Europe.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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