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24 Nov 2016 8:17 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Perrypower1 take some advice go and see a Doctor it look's like you a suffering from what is called ground hog day because you keep repeating yourself ,l think it quite easy to cure .

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24 Nov 2016 9:27 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Pensioners take note.  Triple lock will vanish when we actually Brexit and instead of free NHS you will have to show your ID and pay a fee for use.

Thought we already paid a fee, every week out of our wages etc, something to do with having the NHS, maybe I am wrong....Again.

The showing of your ID is to stop others from coming to the UK from overseas lands and getting medical care for free on our NHS which we pay for, UK residents that is, and also something that should have been done many years ago.

As you know because we are British, and if you are one of the poorly people who visit the quacks quite regularly, by our very nature the receptionist will recognize you and most likely not have to show ID again.

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24 Nov 2016 9:45 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

The Chancellor Phillip Hammond admitted that the Brexit vote’s blow to the economy would force the government to borrow £122bn more than hoped as he pushed back government plans to balance the books in his autumn statement.He has abandoned the government’s policy of reducing government debt and running a budget surplus by 2020. Debt next year will exceed 90% of GDP. Food prices are expected to rise by at least 5%

.He also said the economy was faring well in the wake of the referendum result but growth would slow markedly next year on the back of weaker business spending and a squeeze on household budgets from rising living costs.

The damage the Brexit vote has done to the economy is very real. Some of you on here say that’s worthwhile and I presume then you expected it. When the UK is back in the seventies and the consequences start to hurt everyone I hope you will remember that it was a self-inflicted wound. It did not have to happen.

Well, he would, now wouldn't he, because he was one who wanted to stay and no doubt spoke very well of the dangers he believed would happen, or should I say, 'Predicted' would happen.

He's told us about borrowing this amount, which they don't actually borrow as in having it in the bank, have the previous Chancellors told as well?

Every item is predicted to rise thanks to Brexit, if it hadn't been that it would have been the weather, the heatwave, the cold, the shortage of oil...Blah Blah and Blah.

Considering next year hasn't arrived yet who knows what honestly will happen.

All this has been going on for years, up one month, down the next, slow business months, fast business months, no Crystal ball needed......This Brexit business is the best thing thats ever happened, it's saved face for the thousands who are failing and need a much boosted excuse to blame everything on......The BREXIT.

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24 Nov 2016 1:27 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

The damage the Brexit vote has done to the economy is very real.

What damage?

Stop your hyperbole Micky. The economy has performed better than forecast since the vote and none of the fear predictions have been manifest.

As for the rest of your post. Exchange 'will' for 'might' and 'would' for 'could' and they 'might' be readable and I 'could' take you seriously.

All anyone reading them sees is a desire for the economy to go down the tubes in order to enforce your point of view.

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24 Nov 2016 1:49 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Oh so the OBR forecasts are completely wrong then. You expect a different result. Good luck with that one.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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24 Nov 2016 1:59 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Its plainly obvious that the remoaners would love the country to go down the pan just so that they could be proved right. All economists will tell you that if everyone is positive about something then there is every chance it will succeed. Uncertainty creates panic and is bad for the economy. Some people on here will not accept defeat in a gracious manner and are determined to try to wreck Brexit. I say to them grow a pair, accept the result and get behind the country of your birth no matter what decisions it makes. If you're still unhappy then leave the UK forever and live in the EUSSR where you can look at the world through rose tinted glasses, pretend that you are right about everything, and pretend that you know all the answers. The rest of us can get on with our lives and make this great country independent and a beacon for others to follow. 

I am sick to death of seeing day in and day out the same project fear rubbish that was spouted before the referendum from the same people.


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24 Nov 2016 2:02 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message


            Who Knows; it could be better or worse. Much depends on the Brexit talks. The OBR can only forecast with what they think is happening now.

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24 Nov 2016 2:11 PM by BigAl2015 Star rating. 194 posts Send private message

Micky said -

"Oh so the OBR forecasts are completely wrong then. You expect a different result. Good luck with that one".


We are living in the age of 'completely wrong forecasts', Brexit, Trump, WW3, etc

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24 Nov 2016 4:20 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

Everyday brings more Brexit gloom.  Everyday shows that Brexit lies were just that...lies.

£350 million a week into the NHS.  Nope, hasn't happened and the forecast is that rather than £350 million per week coming in an extra £288 million per week has to be found from somewhere, best all you Brexiteers get your hip replacements sooner rather than later.

80 million Turks will move to the UK if we don't Brexit.  Nope EU-Turkey talks suspended, as excepted.

The country will export more than it imports if the pound falls.  Well pound is still well down on where it was and exports are no better.  But the cost of imports are rising fast.

There are small measures of honesty creeping into Brexit now however; people saying I don't care how bad it gets I want Brexit.  They know it is getting worse each day, they admit it but still they want to jump off the cliff.  Good thing we have the NHS, they can help those people if they want help.  They probably can't be cured but with time and the right treatments they can learn to live a full and fantasy free life.

The rest of us in the meantime  will do the patriotic thing and try to save the country from a hard Brexit and the cliff edge even in the face of Brexiteer name calling and ranting.

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24 Nov 2016 4:32 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

keep driving your country down. I'm glad there isn't a war going on.

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24 Nov 2016 4:34 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Oh so the OBR forecasts are completely wrong then. You expect a different result.

Micky - You said done - past tense.

But since you ask. They are estimates and I will treat them the same as previous estimates. Economic estimates are notorious for being wrong.

The chancellor has to take notice and plan for the worst case. Who knows as a remainer he may even believe them. I think however he is too inteligent to regard them as cast in stone as you obviously do, talking about them in the past tense. I feel much happier about this chancellor than the last one who completely discredited himself with his ridiculous warnings.

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24 Nov 2016 4:40 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


We can all spot the ranting on this thread.

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24 Nov 2016 5:03 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Of course I want the UK to succeed. I hope sincerely that it does. Financially it's in my best interests, which is the reason I have an interest in this subject, otherwise I would ignore it.

I watched Phillip Hammond's statement yesterday. He did not use the words 'perhaps' or 'maybe' or 'possibly'. His statement was that of a senior member of the government telling the nation exactly how he believes it is; what the costs of Brexit will be as estimated by the OBR and what he expects to happen.

Incidentally the Brexit cost of £60bn is a conservative estimate. If the UK loses 9% of GDP which has been suggested by many leading economists then the costs are going to be £200 billion.

You can believe it was all a comedy act if you wish that's your concern. Forward guidance as an investor is valuable sign posting. You ignore it at your own risk.

There are very few contributors to this thread that write anything of actual interest except to slag off the messengers of contrary views. I ask you honestly what is the point in it? What do you think the cost of Brexit will be to the UK? Nothing, Scott Free, Nada. I don’t think so.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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24 Nov 2016 5:24 PM by tenerife Star rating. 130 posts Send private message

To me, it seems that the remainers can't wait to respond to any negative news or forecasts (put the boot in). The glass half empty mob: whereas the leavers are more positive about their country's prospects, and generally more relaxed and prepared to accept the outcome.

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24 Nov 2016 5:25 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

If you want the UK to succeed throw away the panic button and lets get on with it, together as one nation.

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24 Nov 2016 6:17 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Nobody can know or even guess if or how much leaving the EU may or may not cost until we have the results of the negociations.

We can all make guesses based on what we think the outcome may be.

The chancellor is making provision for the future based on the OBR estimate. Some of us hope and expect the estimate is a worse case and is wrong. Others seem to regard it as fact and crow about it and the damage it will bring.

The best thing we can do is look at the forecasts of economists that have been correct in the past. There are very few of them. Most economists are establishment intellectuals with no experience of the real world. Very much 'the experts' that are usually wrong. The same people advancing the failed project fear.

Over a period of many years it has become clear to me that we will be better off economically leaving the EU. The protectionist outlook of this monolith does not match the ambitions of an international trading nation like ours. In the long term, given halfway decent governance, we can be much more agile economically and therefore more prosperous than the EU

Even if this were to prove not to be the case, the case for regaining our democracy and freedom is unanswerable.


This message was last edited by tteedd on 24/11/2016.

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24 Nov 2016 6:31 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Slag off


I think we can identify that as well!

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24 Nov 2016 7:59 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Mrs May's solution is to give big business the lowest tax rates of any G20 country.  A bribe to not leave the UK when we Brexit, and who will pay for this?  The citizens of the UK because their tax bill will go up and their standard of living will go down.

perry, you really do have a half empty glass don't you.

Lower taxes are not a bribe the are attractive yo international companies, just look at this with bases in Ireland and Luxembourg because of low taxes.

More companies investing and expanding create jobs, wealth, taxes, hopefully and considerabley contribute to the economy.

Just out of interest, why do you think so many Franch moved to London when the Franch government brought in 80% in one tax rates.

company taxes have the same effect.

Why are you always looking at the negative without considering the possible positives.

No one is saying everything will be hunky dorey, the world continues to borrow vast amounts of money, not just UK, consumers are still indebted but if the EU had done greet plan B after the recession created by greedy financiers world wide, but a small majority in UK feel the EU has not worked therefore we should try another way.

Just like the Americans did with Trump.

Everybody could of course be proved wrong because no one will be able to prevent the mass migration of disenfranchised people suffering because of religious differences between their own kind, the western world will struggle to cope full stop.

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24 Nov 2016 8:22 PM by perrypower1 Star rating in Derbyshire/Fuerteven.... 647 posts Send private message

perrypower1´s avatar

OBR is best case scenario.  Read their analysis!!

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24 Nov 2016 8:25 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Micky, do you really believe PH or any economist has a crystal ball.

All forecasts are predictions just like the IMF.

Not too many predicted the crash in 2007 or 1987, every sooften the bubble of QE and increasing borrowing and rising asset prices  comes home to bite us in the Arse. Just look at Spain's property market since 2007. 

The UK market on the other hand has risen again because of massive net immigration from all over the world, how can any country house and treat on the NHS influxes of 300k per year when it takes ages to get planning on land and to  nurses and doctors.

Again, how about the lies or was it just spin from the all powerful IMF who originally urged us to join the Euro, then this year told us Brexit would break us, now they are forecasting growth in the UK will be the highest in the developed world.

Experts may not lie deliberately, but they sure as hell can get it wrong.

Arguments will continue on both sides because numbers and statistics can be twisted to whatever argument you wish.

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